Fun with Pfarah: a Paradox Clausewitz Parser
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Introducing Pfarah
This is post will be a break from the norm. Pfarah is a .NET library written in F# that parses files that are ingested by the Clausewitz engine made by Paradox Interactive. I wrote a tutorial for the library, and I was so proud that I decided to post it my blog, for additional publicity but also as a time capsule. This way, I can go back in time and see what the API was like back then. For the most up to date tutorial, please visit the official tutorial page.
I also apologize for the lack of syntax highlighting (looking at you rouge)
This document is a quick overview of the most important features of Pfarah. You can also get this page as an F# script file from GitHub and run the samples interactively. Type annotations are used in examples to ease understanding
There are two ways to parse data. The first way is to parse a specific file, and the second is to parse a given string. The norm should be parsing a file, but for the sake of the tutorial it is shown the second way.
This library takes inspiration from FSharp.Data JSON, Chessie, Chiron, Fleece, Haskell, and json4s.
We’re going to start with querying parsed data, and as an example the data will represent a ship named bessie with 22 men onboard.
open Pfarah
let (obj : ParaValue) = ParaValue.Parse "name=bessie strength=22"
The next step is extracting the information. There are many ways to accomplish this and each one will be demonstrated. Which one you choose will be personal preference. As the demonstrations become concise they introduce more advanced concepts, so initial examples will use simple constructs.
is a discriminated union and the first example queries it
directly for more information.
// Print the property's keys -- will print "seq ["name"; "strength"]"
// Also demonstrates all the current cases for `ParaValue`
match obj with
| ParaValue.Record (properties : (string * ParaValue)[]) ->
printfn "%A" (properties |> Seq.map fst)
| ParaValue.Array (arr : ParaValue[]) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be an array"
| ParaValue.Bool (x : bool) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be a bool"
| ParaValue.Date (x : DateTime) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be a DateTime"
| ParaValue.Hsv ((h : float), (s : float), (v : float)) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be hsv"
| ParaValue.Number (n : float) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be a number"
| ParaValue.Rgb ((r : byte), (g : byte), (b : byte)) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be rgb"
| ParaValue.String (s : string) ->
failwith "Did not expect `obj` to be a string"
Whoa! Those are a lot of data types. To see each of the data types in use, see the Data Format page.
Instead of exhaustively enumerating all the cases every time we query the data, the next example will use F# default case and print the name of the ship
// Try to find the first key with "name". If name is found then see if the
// value is a string. If so, print the ship's name. If none of the happy path
// is followed print errors
match obj with
| ParaValue.Record properties ->
match (Array.tryFind (fst >> (=) "name") properties) with
| Some(key, value) ->
match value with
| ParaValue.String name -> printfn "Ship's name: %s" name
| _ -> failwith "Expected name to be a string"
| None -> failwith "Expected name to exist"
| _ -> failwith "Expected `obj` to be a `Record` type"
By now, being flustered with how cumbersome and verbose the examples is ok. This will be fixed by introducing some additional concepts and types. First, the previous example rewritten and an explanation after.
let (nameVal : ParaResult<ParaValue>) = ParaValue.get "name" obj
let (name : ParaResult<string>) = ParaResult.bind ParaValue.asString nameVal
match name with
| Ok(nm : string) -> printfn "Ship's name: %s" nm
| Error(err : string) -> printfn "%s" err
Already we’ve gone from nine lines down to five, and it’s all possible because
the values returned by the functions are now wrapped in ParaResult<T>
, which
is a very simple type encapsulating either a value or an error. The
either returns the value of the field with a key of “name” or
an error. This error, which is not an exception, could be anything from obj
not being a record to there not being a single field with a key of “name”
For similar data types (to name a few) see:
- Rust’s Result
- Scala’s Either
- Haskell’s Either
- Go’s multiple return values with the error type
- F#’s Choice
In fact, ParaResult is defined as an alias for Choice<'a,string>
, so any
libraries or utilities that work with choices like
ExtCore can interface seamlessly.
There is one possible question remaining for the unaccustomed and that is
let (name : ParaResult<string>) = ParaResult.bind ParaValue.asString nameVal
Bind checks to see if the result passed in (nameVal) is an error or a result.
If nameVal is an error (get
failed earlier) then the error is propogated.
Else if there is a value contained, a function is applied to the value
(in this case ParaValue.String “bessie”). The function being applied is
, which unwraps the value so that just “bessie” is
The implementation of bind is quite concise and may prove illustrative
// Can be read as: a function named bind that takes two parameters:
// - fn: a function that when given a value returns a ParaResult
// - m: the value to check if is currently an error
// - returns a new ParaResult
let bind (fn: 'a -> ParaResult<'b>) (m: ParaResult<'a>) : ParaResult<'b> =
match m with
| Ok(x) -> fn x
| Error(x) -> Error(x)
Bind allows Pfarah to define a custom computation expression, which
induces syntax sugar using let!
and return!
so that one doesn’t have
to deal with ParaResult explicitly
let name2 : ParaResult<string> = para {
let! nameVal = ParaValue.get "name" obj
return! ParaValue.asString nameVal
match name2 with
| Ok(nm) -> printfn "Ship's name: %s" nm
| Error(err) -> printfn "%s" err
While the number of lines of code in the example grew, computation expressions start to shine when the queries become complex. Instead of extracting just the name, extract the number of men on the ship (strength)
let data : ParaResult<string * int> = para {
let! nameVal = ParaValue.get "name" obj
let! strengthVal = ParaValue.get "strength" obj
let! name = ParaValue.asString nameVal
let! strength = ParaValue.asInteger strengthVal
return name, strength
match data with
| Ok(name, strength) -> printf "Ship: %s. Men: %d" name strength
| Error(err) -> printfn "%s" err
The potential is starting to show. Still some cruft is getting in the way, which can be solved by defining custom operators:
is aliased toParaValue.get
is aliased toParaResult.bind
open Pfarah.Operators
para {
let! name = obj?name >>= ParaValue.asString
let! strength = obj?strength >>= ParaValue.asInteger
return name, strength
// Or even terser
open Pfarah.ParaValue
para {
let! name = obj?name >>= asString
let! strength = obj?strength >>= asInteger
return name, strength
Dealing with Multiple Ships
Bessie isn’t the only ship in the world. Our data is about to get more complex, but don’t worry, Pfarah will be there every step of the way.
let shipsObj = ParaValue.Parse """
// Let's define a common function to parse each ship
let parseShip (ship : ParaValue) = para {
let! name = ship?name >>= asString
let! strength = ship?strength >>= asInteger
return name, strength
// Collect all the values with a key "ship" into a ParaValue.Array
let (pips : ParaValue) = ParaValue.collect "ship" shipsObj
// Execute `parseShip` on each ship and aggregate the result
// into an array
let (extract : ParaResult<(string * int)[]>) =
ParaValue.flatMap parseShip pips
// Sort the ships by the most men first
let (sorted : ParaResult<(string * int)[]>) =
ParaResult.map (Array.sortByDescending snd) extract
match sorted with
| Ok(ships) -> Array.iter (fun (name, strength) ->
printfn "Ship: %s. Strength: %d" name strength) ships
| Error(error) -> printfn "%s" error
// In reality the code may be written like:
|> ParaValue.collect "ship"
|> ParaValue.flatMap parseShip
|> ParaResult.map (Array.sortByDescending snd)
|> function
| Ok(ships) -> Array.iter (fun (name, strength) ->
printfn "Ship: %s. Strength: %d" name strength) ships
| Error(error) -> printfn "%s" error
Those who like the computation builder don’t have to miss out!
para {
let! (pips : ParaValue[]) = ParaValue.getAll "ship" shipsObj
let! (ships : (string * int)[]) = ParaValue.reduce parseShip pips
for (name, strength) in (Array.sortByDescending snd ships) do
printfn "Ship: %s. Strength: %d" name strength
} |> function Error(err) -> printfn "%s" err | _ -> ()
But why the different functions?
collect vs getAll: Both accept a ParaValue and look for a properties of a certain key, but collect will also work on ParaValue.Array by iterating over each element looking for the key. collect returns a ParaValue.Array, which allows subsequent calls to be chained together:
// Will return Ok [| "bessie"; "doris" "betsy" |]
ParaValue.collect "ship" obj
|> ParaValue.collect "name"
|> ParaValue.flatMap ParaValue.asString
Defined in the operator module there is the /
operator that will delegates
to ParaValue.collect
. For those that are familiar with xpath, this should
appear similar
obj / "ship" / "name" |> ParaValue.flatMap ParaValue.asString
obj / "ship" / "name" |> flatMap asString
Going back to the commputation builder vs the pipeline method, another
difference is the function that parseShip
is passed to. The computation
expression only works with arrays of ParaValue whereas like collect
the pipeline method operates on the values of Records, and can map
singular values like ParaValue.String, etc.
Knowing which one to use is sometimes only a matter of taste.
Optional Data
Not all objects of a given instance will have the exact same property keys. Some may only have a limited subset of the properties wanted.
In our ship example, we’ll have an optional property, patrol, that denotes if a ship is on patrol. If absent, the ship is assumed to not be on patrol.
let patrolData = """
// Let's define a common function to parse each ship with patrol
let parseShip2 (ship : ParaValue) = para {
let! name = ship?name >>= asString
let! strength = ship?strength >>= asInteger
let! (patrolVal : ParaValue option) = ParaValue.tryGet "patrol" ship
// Try converting the potential value to a boolean, if not there
// then assume the ship is not on patrol.
let! patrol = patrolVal |> ParaResult.defaultOpt asBool false
return name, strength, patrol
para {
let obj = ParaValue.Parse patrolData
let! (pips : ParaValue[]) = ParaValue.getAll "ship" obj
let! (ships : (string * int * bool)[]) = ParaValue.reduce parseShip2 pips
// Take the ship name and strength of the ships that are on patrol
let shipsOnPatrol =
|> Array.filter (fun (_, _, patrol) -> patrol)
|> Array.map (fun (key, strength, patrol) -> (key, strength))
for (name, strength) in (Array.sortByDescending snd shipsOnPatrol) do
printfn "Ship: %s. Strength: %d" name strength
} |> function Error(err) -> printfn "%s" err | _ -> ()
Finding Optional Data
Knowing the data is the first step to any type of analysis. This is made
difficult when there can be thousands of objects, each one having a subset of
the properties available. findOptional
fixes this problem by dissecting a
list of supposedly similar objects and returning the properties that it knows
are always present and the ones that are optional.
// Find all the optional properties on ships. Append a question mark after the
// property name to signify that the property is optional.
para {
let obj = ParaValue.Parse patrolData
let! ships = obj / "ship" |> ParaValue.flatMap asRecord
let required, optional = findOptional ships
required |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")
optional |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s?")
} |> function Error(err) -> printfn "%s" err | _ -> ()
// Will print:
// name
// strength
// patrol?
Working with primitives like string and ints are fine, but programs become much more powerful when compositive data types come into play. While the previous methods allow for manual deserialization Pfarah offers another step of convenience.
// Let's simplify the data by removing the optional patrol field.
// We'll add it back in later
let multipleShips = """
// Define a simple record to store the name and strength of a ship
// with a convenience `Create` constructor along with a specially
// named `FromPara` function
type Ship = { Name: string; Strength: int }
static member inline Create name strength =
{ Ship.Name = name; Strength = strength }
static member inline FromPara (_:Ship) =
Ship.Create <!> (!. "name") <*> (!. "ship")
let (ships : Ship[]) = deserialize (ParaValue.Parse multipleShips)
Full stop. There’s a lot of magic in the previous example including a couple unseen operators.
First, the type annotation on ships
is critical, without it the compiler
won’t know what to deserialize the type to and raise a compiler error. Pfarah
know how to deserialize an array, so it then proceeds to look at the element
type. Primitives like string and ints are no problem, but Ship
is new. As
long as Ship
implements a function FromPara
, Pfarah can deserialize it.
This is known as statically resolved type parameters, and it is a very
dark corner of F#.
But let’s take a step back because we can use this magic in baby steps
// Remember this function? This time we're using `fromPara` which will infer
// what `as*` function to execute based on the type of the variable.
let parseShip3 (ship : ParaValue) : ParaResult<string * int> = para {
let! name = ship?name >>= fromPara
let! strength = ship?strength >>= fromPara
return name, strength
// The function pget simplifies things a bit
let parseShip4 (ship : ParaValue) : ParaResult<string * int> = para {
let! name = pget "name" ship
let! strength = pget "strength" ship
return name, strength
// There is also an `.@` that is aliased to pget
let parseShip5 (ship : ParaValue) : ParaResult<string * int> = para {
let! name = ship .@ "name"
let! strength = ship .@ "strength"
return name, strength
That probably looks and feels a lot better for the uninitiated. We can rewrite the magic parts with our new function.
type Ship2 = { Name: string; Strength: int }
static member inline FromPara (_:Ship2) =
fun ship -> para {
let! name = ship .@ "name"
let! strength = ship .@ "strength"
return { Ship2.Name = name; Strength = strength }
} |> ApplicativeParaValue.wrap
Pretty neat right? We can throw in our optional patrol pretty easily if you know the right function!
type Ship3 = { Name: string; Strength: int; Patrol: bool option }
static member inline FromPara (_:Ship3) =
fun ship -> para {
let! name = ship .@ "name"
let! strength = ship .@ "strength"
let! patrol = tryPget "patrol" ship
return { Ship3.Name = name; Strength = strength; Patrol = patrol }
} |> ApplicativeParaValue.wrap
The step to composing even more datatypes is not far away. Have fun deserializing!
Binary Data
The examples that we have been working with have been plain text, but Clausewitz files can come compressed and in binary form. To parse these files, we’ll need a few things:
- The file path.
- The header if it is binary file. For instance, for EU4, the header is “EU4bin”.
- The header if it is plain text file. For EU4, the header is “EU4txt”.
- Since binary files use two byte tokens instead of strings for identifiers,
we’ll need a dictionary of two byte tokens to strings so that the binary
file can be queried exactly like a plain text file. There are many types of
tokens that can be encountered, so as not to impose a memory tax
unnecessarily if it is a plain text file, the dictionary is
The following code sample will work for a file that is in any format (plain text/binary and compressed/uncompressed)
let path = "game.eu4"
let ``binary header`` = "EU4bin"
let ``text header`` = "EU4txt"
// Only if the file is detected to be binary will
// this dictionary be created
let tokens = lazy dict([(0x284ds, "date")])
let game = ParaValue.Load(path, ``binary header``, ``text header``, tokens)
game?date >>= ParaValue.asDate
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